The Starfish Story - Making A Difference - MissKorang (2024)

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The starfish story, originally written by Loren Eisley, is a powerful depiction of making a difference and brightening the corner where you are, no matter how small your light is. If you know the starfish story, I hope you read my retelling of it to remind yourself what a big difference you can make in your small corner. And if you don’t know the the boy and starfish on the beach story, please read on and be inspired.

The Starfish Story

An old man was doing his daily walk along the beach one morning, it was a beautiful day to be by the sea. The man was enjoying his alone time, enjoying nature and reflecting. Then he spotted a young boy crouched by the ocean, picking something up from the sand and throwing it into the sea.

It was not a busy day at the beach at all. In-fact, the man noticed it was just him and the boy. Fascinated by the boy’s actions, the man stopped to watch the boy for a while.

He noticed the boy kept scooping something up, running to the ocean and throwing it in. The man watched the boy repeat these actions again and again – stop, pick up, throw, move. Over and over.

The man was indeed intrigued by the strange actions of the boy at the beach. “What could he possibly be doing?” The man asked himself. And so he walked closer to the boy and asked him.

The Starfish Story - Making A Difference - MissKorang (9)

“What are you doing there boy?”

Making a Difference In Small Ways

“I am saving these stranded starfish” answered the boy. “If they stay on the beach any longer, they will dry up and die. I am putting them back into the ocean so they can live.” Then he picked one more starfish and threw it in, then another, and another.

The old man was silent for a while, watching the boy labor away. He didn’t understand the young lad’s enthusiasm and drive; it just didn’t make sense to him at all. Because life had taught him that if he was to spend time doing anything at all, it was better to spend it aiming for the stars, doing big things that made a difference with a bang.

“Young man”he said,“on this stretch of beach alone, there must be more than one hundred stranded starfish. Around the next corner, there must be at least one thousand more. This goes on for miles and miles and miles – I’ve done this walk every day for 10 years, and it’s always the same. There must be millions of stranded starfish! I hate to say it, but you’ll never make a difference.”

It Makes A Difference To That One!

In response, and without missing a beat, the boy picked up a starfish and threw it into the water, saying, “well I just made a difference to that one.” Then he picked another and threw it, “and that one.” And so one after another, the boy picked and threw starfish into the lifesaving waters, each time repeating himself to the man, “it made a difference to that one, and that one, and now this one…” And on and on the boy went, making a difference one starfish at a time.

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Make Your Mark

The starfish story teaches two important lessons; well-meaning people can discourage and stop you from helping or making a difference in small but important ways. And it also teaches the importance of small contributions.

“You don’t have the power to effect meaningful change”, “this is too big a problem for you”, “I know this problem very well, you cannot solve it.” Have you ever been told any of these? And did you buy into the pessimism?

The Starfish Story - Making A Difference - MissKorang (10)

You see, small contributions can have ripple effects that go far beyond what contributors can see, and so even though you may not see a huge, immediate impact, you are making a difference, helping reduce the magnitude of a problem and saving someone along the line.

Take the issue of racism for example, it is huge, old and rooted firmly in ways we cannot begin to image. But also imagine, if each parent in their own way decided to tackle the issue of racism and racial injustice in their home. would the roots weaken? Would it make a difference to classmates, teachers and friends? Would it eventually make a difference to society?

And also, just imagine if the man who stood idly by and offered unsolicited discouragement had saved one starfish each time he had walked that stretch of beach – he’d have saved 3,650 in ten years. But instead, he let 3,650 starfish go to their deaths because he didn’t believe it mattered.

So the next time you get chance to make a small difference, don’t think of the big picture. Just do it – after all, it might not make a difference to you, but to somebody else, it might.

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The Starfish Story - Making A Difference - MissKorang (2024)


What is the moral of the story "The starfish Story"? ›

The starfish story moral is that every individual can make a difference, even if that difference is only felt by one person. Children will learn it is easy to feel powerless and overwhelmed, especially when others around us also claim there is no point in changing it.

What is the message in the story "The Starfish"? ›

You can't possibly make a difference!” At this, the young girl bent down, picked up yet another starfish, and threw it into the ocean. As it met the water, she said, “I made a difference for that one.” This story delivers an inspiring message of hope.

What is the summary of the starfish story? ›

So, in a nutshell: A young boy is walking along the beach when he sees hundreds of starfish washed up on the shore. In dismay, and realizing that many of them are still alive, he begins chucking them back out to sea so they won't die on the beach.

What is the starfish quote making a difference? ›

There are more starfish than you could ever save. Surely you cannot expect to make a difference.”The young man bent to pick up another starfish. As he sent the starfish sailing back to the water, he said to the old man, “I can make a difference to this one.”You make a difference every day!

What does the starfish symbolize? ›

As a power animal, the starfish symbolizes the ability to regenerate itself. It also embodies qualities such as guidance and protection. The starfish reminds us that we are not alone. This power animal also symbolizes strength and resilience.

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Milind Soman lends fair support as Arlo. Vidya Malvade has her moments as Tara's mother, Sukanya Salgaonkar. Jagat Singh Rawat is okay as Tara's father, Ramesh Salgaonkar.

Is the movie starfish based on a true story? ›

This month a new film is out – Starfish. It tells the true story of Tom Ray; who at the age of 38, suddenly, without warning, contracted sepsis. His arms and legs all had to be amputated, along with most of his face. His wife was 9 months pregnant After five months in a coma, he woke to find that he had a new baby son.

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Ellie Montgomery-Hofstein

Twelve-year-old Ellie is the protagonist and first-person narrator of Starfish. The audience experiences the narrative through Ellie's poems. Ellie's words are important to her; she considers herself a storyteller, and her poetry a space of self-expression and emotional processing.

Who is the girl in starfish? ›

In this story, Ellie is a twelve year old girl who takes the readers through all of the challenges of living in a world where her weight is the one thing she can't escape. Most people call Ellie, Splash, after an incident at her pool party when she turned five.

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To cope, she tries to live by the Fat Girl Rules–like “no making waves,” “avoid eating in public,” and “don't move so fast that your body jiggles.” And she's found her safe space–her swimming pool–where she feels weightless in a fat-obsessed world.

Who is the bully in starfish? ›

Everyone at school is mean to Ellie, but the main people who bully her are two girls and one boy. Ellie and Viv called them, Enemy Number 1, Enemy Number 2, and Enemy Number 3 (not in front of them though). Marshmallow's Rating: 100%. Marshmallow rates Starfish by Lisa Fipps 100%.

Who is the story starfish about? ›

The Starfish Story tells of a child walking along a beach after a terrible storm which washed up thousands of starfish. The child is throwing starfish back into the water, when someone admonishes the child that they cannot save them all, cannot really make a difference.

What are three lines about starfish? ›

Starfish, also known as Sea Stars, are one of the most beautiful looking animals in the vast ocean. They have a surprisingly unusual anatomy, with no brain or blood, yet are able to digest food outside their body. Regenerating their own arms is perhaps one of the most useful things a starfish can do.

What would happen if there were no more starfish? ›

The Impact of Decreasing Starfish Populations

For example, certain species of starfish help control the local population of sea urchins. As the starfish die, the sea urchin population explodes out of control. The sea urchins then overgraze kelp forests.

What happens at the end of the book starfish? ›

The book doesn't have a fairy tale ending. We don't know if Ellie lives happily ever after. But we do know that she comes to love herself, and she comes to stand up for herself. Ellie realizes that her self worth is not based on how others view her, but on how she thinks of herself.

What is a small paragraph about starfish? ›

Starfish, also known as Sea Stars, are one of the most beautiful looking animals in the vast ocean. They have a surprisingly unusual anatomy, with no brain or blood, yet are able to digest food outside their body. Regenerating their own arms is perhaps one of the most useful things a starfish can do.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.