Parakeets - Ultimate Guide For The Smallest Parrots (2024)

Did you know that parakeets, also known as budgies, are the smallest of the parrot family? And yes, that includes the ability to talk!

Cheerful, chirpy, cute, and all-around a pretty good beginner pet. No wonder they are one of the most popular pet birds. Plus they are quite affordable.

If you are looking for a pet bird, or have a special someone in your life that is wanting a pet bird, then you have come to the right place to learn all about these sweet tweets!

Parakeets - Ultimate Guide For The Smallest Parrots (1)

Table of Contents (Quickly Jump To Information)

Parakeets, Budgies, Parrots, Oh My!

What’s what? Are parakeets parrots? Then what are budgies? Are all parrots considered parakeets? It’s easy to get confused if you aren’t an Ornithologist (a scientist who studies birds).

Here’s what Webster’s Dictionary has to say:

Parakeet: any of numerous usually small slender parrots with a long graduated tail
Budgie: (informal for budgerigar) a small Australian parrot (Melopsittacus undulatus) usually light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but bred under domestication in many colors
Parrot: any of numerous widely distributed tropical birds (order Psittaciformes and especially family Psittacidae) that are often crested and brightly colored, have a distinctive stout hooked bill and zygodactyl feet, and include some excellent mimics

Did that clear things up? Ummmm…actually not completely. So let me explain in language even a parakeet could understand. A parrot is a tropical bird that talks. Parakeets are the smallest of the parrot family, and budgies are just one of many types of parakeets. Easy peasy.

Types of Parakeets

World Birds breaks parakeets down into 14 different types, but those are just the basic types. Other organizations and experts have a different number going well past 100 different types of parakeets, mind boggling to say the least.

Others break the parakeet family down into categories such as the Asiatic Parakeets and Grass Parakeets (found in grasslands, native to Australia). Examples of Asiatic include Ring Necked and Plum Headed Parakeets. Examples of Grass Parakeets include Scarlet Chested and Splendid Parakeets.

Regardless, the point is that there isn’t just one type of bird called a parakeet – there are many, many types. We will be focusing on the American Parakeet in this article.

What Do Parakeets Look Like?

Well, since there are so many kinds of parakeets this is a hard question to answer. We are going to narrow it down to the American Parakeet (also known as Budgies), the ones most people think of as parakeets.

American Parakeets are the ones you see at your local pet store for a very modest amount of money. These pretty little things are also known as the Shell Parakeet, but rarely, if ever, called that by the general public.

They are described as any type of small parrot that has a slender build and long tail feathers. They come in many colors, but the most common are blue, yellow, and green. There are also unique colors like violet, pied, and even albino.

Generally speaking, their chests are a solid color, while their wings and backs have black bars running up and down. The black bars usually stop at the face (although young budgies have them on their foreheads sometimes but they recede with time and age).

Parakeet faces are also most often a different color than their bodies, such as a yellow face with a green body. Thier faces are either a solid color like that of their chests or often two toned (such as white and yellow).

Parakeets - Ultimate Guide For The Smallest Parrots (2)

How Can You Tell If You Have a Male or a Female?

There are a couple of reasonable ways to tell whether you have a male or female parakeet. I say reasonable because many of the ways you might be told you can sex your parakeet might find you confused and frustrated. We are just normal, non-bird-scientist people after all.

So, reasonable it is! If you have extra money to throw around, you can have your parakeet DNA tested. It’s the most precise method, but it can be pricey. It’s pretty simple and your vet can order the test for you. Some bird breeders and pet stores will offer this service as well.

Another way is cheaper…technically free, unless you consider the price of your time while excersizing patience. It takes a LOT of patience. You pretty much have to wait one loooonnng year and then…….wait for it….waiiiittt for it….look at your parakeet. I know, it sounds involved doesn’t it? 😆

Parakeets have a little feature called a cere. A cere is a band of fleshy membrane that is right above the beak and surrounding the nostrils (yes, they have nostrils). Males and females have a noticeably different cere color according to bird experts.

Female parakeets usually have a more plain cere, with colors like white, tan, or light blue. Males cere’s are prettier (boy birds are prettier than the girls across all, or most, bird species), with colors like purple, blue, and pink.

Parakeet Temperament

We now know they are little parrots, they are colorful, and they are cute. But are they great pets? I’d venture to say that 99.9% of parakeet owners will shout YES to that question.

Parakeets are known for being very gentle and docile. They are curious and love to entertain. Even though they are gentle, it’s important to know that they are still birds and not cuddly kittens. They do definitely interact with humans though.

We have parakeets in our immediate family and they are a joy to be around. Often times, they are let out to fly about the house and interact with people. Singing, and chirping, and occasionally landing on your head (which scared Grandma of course, but everyone else found it to be part of the entertainment).

They are not apt to bite or peck at humans, especially if they have been handled often from a young age. And when they do peck, it doesn’t cause much ado because their beaks are so small.

If you have a female, they may be a little more likely to bite if they have eggs they are protecting. Also, if you have a male and female, they may be more tempermental during mating times.

Parakeets - Ultimate Guide For The Smallest Parrots (3)

Can Parakeets Really Talk?

I must admit, I was quite surprised when I learned that parakeets CAN talk. Now that we know they are the smallest of the parrot family, that makes more sense. They are little mimickers, so watch what you say😉. And if you kids are constantly calling out for “Mama!,” don’t be caught off guard when your feathered friend starts in too.

Some parakeets have been known to mymic hundreds of words, but most are not that proficient. They are not on par with some of the bigger parrots like African Greys, and even Macaws.

Are Parakeets Noisy?

Everyone seems have a different opinion of noisy. If you have a houseful of small children running around and being joyful and playing, a parakeet may not seem that noisy. If you live alone and bask in silence most of your day – you might call them noise makers extrodinaires.

Long story short, they are chatty little things that like to chirp and sing, and talk. Although, they are not as loud or as noisy other types of parrots. So, if you want a bird that talks but doesn’t make a habit of screaming… or that doesn’t try to have full blown conversations with you and your guests, then a parakeet is probably your bird.

How To Choose A Parakeet

When choosing a parakeet, you will want to check it over for some important things to be sure you are getting a healthy bird.

  • A clean vent (that’t the personal area down under)
  • Clean beak and nostrils (no discharge, mucous or crusty stuff)
  • Smooth, shiny feathers
  • A friendly demeanor (it may be a little shy first meeting you, but it shouldn’t be anti-social)
  • It should have zygodactyl feet (Oh come on, you know we aren’t bird scientists! Ok, ok…this means they have four toes, two going forward and two pointing backwards)
  • The nails should not be overgrown

Should a Parakeet Have a Cage Buddy?

Well, this depends. If you really want to bond with your parakeet and you are willing to spend a lot of time with him or her – then it’s best to just have one.

If you find that you may not have as much time to spend with your little friend as you thought you would, or you know up front that you will only spend a moderate amount of time interacting, then you might want a second parakeet to keep the first one company.

Just know that they will likely bond with each other and they may behave differently because of it. However, this doesn’t mean that you will not enjoy them and they will not enjoy you. It’s just a different dynamic.

Should I Buy a Young Parakeet?

This depends too. As with most pets, it’s a little more challenging to get an older one because of several reasons. You may not know or have access to their history, their level of care, and their daily routines. But there a lot of older pets out there that need homes, including parakeets.

If you get an older parakeet and they haven’t been socialized well or have not been hand tamed, it can be quite a challenge to reverse some of the habits and tendacies. However, if you are an animal lover and have the patience, then older birds are certainly worth the chance.

If you want or need to be sure you have a pet that you can be successful at hand-taming, then you are going to want to buy a very young parakeet. You are likely going to pay more for a hand-reared bird, but you know what you are getting for the most part.

Caring For a Parakeet

  • You need a bird cage (a large cage is best for bird happiness)
  • Perches (provide a variety of perch sizes)
  • Several toys (and you need to change them out from time to time so they aren’t bored birdies)
  • A nest for sleeping (check out these healthful nesting herbs you can put in their nest)
  • Dishes or feeders for food
  • Fresh water
  • Parakeet feed
  • Consistent access to fresh vegetables (like spinach, broccoli, beans, corn, and carrots)
  • Daily interaction

A quick word about bird feed. You can buy feed specially formulated for parakeets, it will provide most of the nutrition your bird needs. However, they are much happier, and healthier if you feed them enough fruits and vegetables to satisfy their “wild side.”

I also want to mention an important point about the cage you use. It should be a cage meant for small birds with the spacing of the cage bars not being more than a 1/2 inch wide.

Is a Parakeet Right For Me?

If you have parrot fever but aren’t ready for such a big responsibility, a parakeet might be a good fit. Of course, they need care and attention, but they are much easier than larger parrot species. Parakeets are relatively easy keepers and bring a lot of joy. They are especially good pet for children as far as birds go.

Just be sure that you are ready for the commitment because once they bond with you, it’s pretty hard on them to disrupt that bond by rehoming them.

If you are hesitant about an indoor bird, you may want to consider an outdoor variety – like chickens! Believe it or not they can make great pets too (and some of them even make you breakfast 😉). Learn more about breeds of chickens here and about friendly chickens here.

Parakeets - Ultimate Guide For The Smallest Parrots (4)

Leah Betts

A happy wife, mother, teacher, writer, hobby farmer, lover of chickens, and contributor to Pampered Chicken Mama!

Parakeets - Ultimate Guide For The Smallest Parrots (2024)


How do parrots and parakeets learn to talk answer? ›

Tips for Teaching Parrots to Talk

Always say 'goodbye' (or similar) when you walk away from the bird or leave the room. Repeat these stock phrases whenever you're near the parrot. Parrots are very interested in sounds, and will listen and watch you as you speak.

What is the rarest parakeet? ›

The Echo Parakeet ... the world's rarest parakeet.

What small parrot makes the best pet? ›

co*ckatiels and Budgies are the most popular pet parrots and there is good reason for that. This group has been domesticated much longer than the others, therefore are the easiest to handle.

Are 2 parakeets better than 1? ›

Parakeets love each other's company

Very occasionally, two birds will fight, regardless of the millet, and you may have to keep them apart longer and try again in a week or so. The larger the cage, the easier the transition. As a general rule, a pair of parakeets will be happier than a single bird.

What is the easiest bird to train to talk? ›

Quaker Parakeet

Because they pick up on human speech quickly, they are easier to teach and train for someone that is new to working with birds. Although they don't have as wide of a vocabulary as budgies, quaker voices are a clearer, making them easier to understand.

Will my parakeets learn to talk? ›

A happy parakeet will typically be tweeting a song, talking, or even mimicking sounds they hear often. Parakeets are able to talk using words that they've heard. Some have been known to learn hundreds of words from their owners. They don't speak as clearly as larger birds like Macaws.

Which parakeets talk the most? ›

Indian Ringneck Parakeets are notorious talkers and clever birds with a talent for learning longer phrases in addition to shorter words. They prefer to speak in their own distinct, high-pitched "bird voice" rather than mimic human voices. Many people can memorize dozens or hundreds of words.

What is the top 1 rarest bird? ›

Overview: Perhaps the world's rarest bird, only one Stresemann's Bristlefront is known to survive in the wild. Unfortunately, this bird is confined to one of the most fragmented and degraded – and vulnerable – forests in the Americas.

Is there a pink parakeet? ›

Bourke's parrots have a reputation for being one of the mellower of the parrot bunch in terms of vocalizations and attitude. They tend to be most quiet during the day and active at sunset and dawn. They are often referred to as the “pink parakeet” because of their small size and popular pink color mutation.

What is the most difficult parrot to own? ›

The Amazon parrot

They come in a variety of sizes and can take a long time to grow fully comfortable with their handlers. Up for the challenge? Learn more about Amazon parrots here.

What is the easiest small parrot to train? ›

Parakeets (AKA Budgies or Budgerigars)

Males especially are known to be great birds for first-time owners, as they bond easily to their owners and are simple to train.

What's the quietest parakeet? ›

Bourke's parakeets are known for their quiet and gentle demeanor. They tend to be most active and chatty early in the morning and at dusk, though the noise level is still low compared to other parrots. And while they are only moderately active birds, they prefer a roomy enclosure in which they can do some flying.

Is a boy or girl parakeet better? ›

If you have two birds together, they are going to choose to be with each other and are not going to remain tame or be tamed. A male parakeet is generally a better pet and you should try to get a baby that is already tame.

How to tell if a parakeet is male or female? ›

In general, a male will have a solid lavender to solid blue cere – this is the skin around their nostrils. A female will have a white to brown cere, depending on hormones and age. Generally the cere color is not well defined until they are close to a year old.

Should parakeets be covered at night? ›

It also shelters the bird from any ambient light that is in your home as well as allowing your bird to sleep without any drafts caused by air conditioning or an air purifier that you might have running. Covering your bird at night might also help prevent night frights.

How do parrots learn to speak? ›

Parrots learn to mimic through repetition—so saying the word over and over again is the only way to encourage your bird to say it back. While it's always best for owners to teach their pets directly, some owners opt to use extra learning tools such as tape recorders and CDs to help teach their birds to talk.

How did parrots learn to speak? ›

So why can parrots talk when our closer primate relatives cannot? Parrots are vocal learners, meaning they grasp sounds by hearing and then imitating them. Although several other bird species can discern and repeat sounds, parrots are the pros.

How do parrots get to talk? ›

No lips, no vocal cords, just sheer opportunism. She does this by using her syrinx, a hollow, Y-shaped structure unique to birds, that sits between the base of the windpipe and the lungs. As the bird breathes, air passes through the syrinx, which vibrates and makes a noise.

How do parrots know to talk? ›

Parrots, like all birds, do not have vocal cords, they cannot make the sounds that we make with the same method. They have an organ called the syrinx , in the trachea, which can reproduce, by a cognitive mechanism of imitation, any sound that can be imagined.

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