Fact Sheet Beyond the Curb: Recycle Process (2024)

Fact Sheet Beyond the Curb: Recycle Process (1)Every day people put bins, bags, and containers of recyclables at the curb for collection or drive them to a drop-off center. What actually happens to the material after the truck pulls away? Each material undergoes a different process on its route along the recycling trail.


Glass recycling focuses on container glass (e.g., glass bottles and jars). Glass manufacturers regularly use recycled glass in the production of new containers with percentages of recycled material ranging from 7%-50%, depending on the Fact Sheet Beyond the Curb: Recycle Process (2)manufacturer

  • Separate container glass from such items as windows, mirrors or ceramics because the manufacturing process is very different for items other than containers.
  • After a hauler picks up the glass, it is taken to a material recovery facility where the glass is separated by color, cleaned, and then crushed (cullet).
  • The cullet is shipped to a manufacturer who melts it (at temperatures up to 2,700°F) and mixes it with "virgin" material to make new containers.

It’s that simple to create a closed loop glass recycling system that requires less energy, usesfewer natural resources, and producesfewer pollutants than manufacturing glass from virgin materials.

Metal Containers

Metal containers can be made from recycled steel or aluminum. Recycling metal containers is environmentally friendly and easy.Fact Sheet Beyond the Curb: Recycle Process (3)

  • The recycler separates the aluminum from the steel cans by using an industrial sized magnet to pick up the steel cans.
  • The separated cans are crushed, baled together, and sent on to the appropriate mill.
  • At the mill the cans are exposed to high heat and melted down. The resulting material is used to make more products from steel or aluminum.

When one ton of steel is recycled, 2,500 pounds of iron ore, 1,400 pounds of coal and 120 pounds of limestone are conserved. Using recycled aluminum to make aluminum cans saves 95% of the energy compared to producing aluminum cans from ore.


Newspaper, white paper, mixed paper, cardboard, and telephone books can be recycled. White paper is the most valuable because of its quality and versatility. The process for creating new products from recycled paper is simple.Fact Sheet Beyond the Curb: Recycle Process (4)

  • The paper is separated by type/grade.
    The separated paper is then put into a large vat (similar to a giant kitchen mixer) and mixed with water creating a product called "slurry".
  • The slurry is spread on racks and big rollers push all the water out. Once dry, the paper is then rolled up for later cutting into whatever size is needed for the new product.
  • The slurry is also the basis for paperboard (used for cereal boxes, etc.), corrugated cardboard, telephone books, and newsprint.
  • By adding wood or cotton fibers the slurry is turned into office-grade paper.

Unlike glass or steel, paper degrades each time it is recycled. For this reason, not all recycled paper goes directly to manufacturers to make more paper. Some of it is used to create insulation, animal bedding or in composting.


Fact Sheet Beyond the Curb: Recycle Process (5)Plastic is made from fossil fuel (approximately 30% oil and 70% natural gas), a non-renewable resource. There are many different types of plastic on the market. Look at the bottom of plastic containers for one of the symbols. This symbol indicates the type of plastic that was used to make the container.

#1 PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) is the most recycled plastic. Recycled PET is used to make bottles for cleaning products or other non-food containers, egg cartons, strapping, surfboards, sailboat hulls, industrial paints, and fiber products (t-shirts, jackets and carpets).

Fact Sheet Beyond the Curb: Recycle Process (6)# 2 HDPE (high-density polyethylene) is the most widely used householdplastic. Recycled HDPE is used to make plastic lumber, base cups for soft drink bottles, flower pots, plastic toys, traffic barrier cones, bottle carriers, trash cans, detergent bottles, garbage bags and grocery bags.

# 3 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is the plastic used in flooring, plumbing, shower curtains, house siding and garden hoses. Though PVC is harder to recycle, it can be processed to make drainage piping, fencing, handrails and house siding.

#4 LDPE (low-density polyethylene) is used to make cellophane wrap, disposable diaper liners, plastic bags, and squeeze bottles. The nature of products made from LDPE make it very difficult to recycle.

# 5 PP (polypropylene) is a component in tubes, automotive battery casings, and long underwear. Though not often recycled, there is the potential to create auto parts, batteries, bird feeders, furniture, pails, water meter boxes, bag dispensers, golf equipment, carpets, recycling containers, Fact Sheet Beyond the Curb: Recycle Process (7)and industrial fibers.

# 6 PS (polystyrene or polystyrene foam) is found in coffee cups, plastic cutlery, take-out food packaging, egg cartons, and packaging peanuts. Polystyrene can be recycled into more polystyrene products as well as insulation, plastic lumber, license plate frames, cafeteria trays, and hard plastic pens.

Other Plastics

Other plastic is any type of plastic that is not listed above. The recycling of these plastics is more complicated. The recycling community will need to learn ways to handle the newer technologies.

No matter the type, plastic recycling follows a similar path.

  • Collected plastic is sent to a reclaimer who will sort (by type of plastic), grind, and clean the plastic.
  • The cleaned and sorted plastic is sent to a manufacturer who will use it as "feedstock" (i.e., a component of the manufacturing process) to create new products.

Check with your county recycling coordinator to confirm which plastics are recycled in your area. Additionally, some grocery stores will accept plastic shopping bags for recycling, and shipping businesses will accept Styrofoam peanuts for recycling.

For more information, contact The Waste Diversion Division at 410-537-3314.

Fact Sheet Beyond the Curb: Recycle Process (2024)


Which kind of paper cannot be recycled? ›

Types of paper that are not recyclable are coated and treated paper, paper with food waste, juice and cereal boxes, paper cups, paper towels, and paper or magazine laminated with plastic.

What is recycling process pdf? ›

Recycling involves a four step process - collection, processing, manufacturing, and consumer purchase. There are two main collection methods: source separation where consumers separate materials, and mixed recycling where materials are commingled.

What are the three main points of recycling? ›

While the recycling process often differs by commodity and locality, there are essentially three main steps: collection, processing, and remanufacturing into a new product.

How much recycling actually gets recycled? ›

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimated that about 9% of all plastic waste was successfully recycled in 2018. Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) estimated that approximately 5% of all plastic waste was recycled in 2019.

Can I put shredded paper in the recycling bin? ›

Not necessarily, it depends on how the paper has been shredded. Some domestic shredders can make the fibres too weak for recycling. If you're recycling paper you've shredded yourself (rather than using a shredding company), check with your local council whether you can put it in your paper recycling bin.

Can you recycle paper with crayon on it? ›

Sadly, once the crayon or brush has marked the page, it can no longer be recycled. Wax from crayons and oil from certain paints contaminate the paper.

Can you recycle 100% recycled paper? ›

All recyclable paper can be recycled, but all recycled paper is not recyclable. Try saying that 5 times fast! It may seem confusing, but there is both a rhyme and a reason to how the paper industry determines if something does or does not meet the recycling standard.

What is the most important step in recycling? ›

Ultimately, you are the first (and arguably most important) step in the recycling process. Without you tossing those discarded materials in the recycling bin, there would be no material to sort. This makes it critical that you know what to throw, in order to make the system work.

What does the 3 rs mean? ›

Reduce, reuse and recycle: The “three Rs” to help the planet

Reducing, reusing and recycling plastic is key in countering the devastation wreaked by climate change. Plastics are a major source of pollution on Earth. Unbridled manufacturing and low recycling rates of plastic products threaten our planet.

Which plastic cannot be recycled? ›

Examples of non-recyclable plastics include bioplastics, composite plastic, plastic-coated wrapping paper and polycarbonate. Well known non-recyclable plastics include cling film and blister packaging.

Is there a better option than recycling? ›

Reuse has several advantages over recycling: saves or delays purchasing and disposal costs. conserves resources. reduces the waste stream.

What is an example of refusing waste? ›

REFUSE, simply means to say NO.

Here are some ways you can do this: Carry a reusable bag in your car and/or bag. Carry a water bottle and hot drink reusable cup and a jar for cold drinks. Avoid unnecessary product packaging and request reusable or returnable containers.

What are 5 reasons to recycle? ›

Five Benefits of Recycling
  • Recycling reduces waste sent to landfills and incinerators.
  • Recycling prevents pollution.
  • Recycling conserves natural resources.
  • Recycling conserves energy.
  • Recycling creates jobs, producing economic benefits.
Jan 14, 2020

What is recycling in 5 sentences? ›

Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. This concept often includes the recovery of energy from waste materials. The recyclability of a material depends on its ability to reacquire the properties it had in its original state.

What does 5 recycling mean? ›

Plastics labeled number 5 are polypropylene, or PP, which can be used to make yogurt containers and other dairy product tubs, according to the conservation department. Polystyrene, or PS, is labeled number 6 and can be used to make takeaway containers, coffee cups, insulation and disposable coolers.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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